Saturday, August 16, 2008

A Shopping Tale

As I read a post today on a blog I frequent, it brought back a similar story:

One day, when my now 15yo son was about 3-4yo, we were shopping in K-Mart.
It was Father's Day and we were looking for gifts for each of our fathers. My son was standing between us as we were looking through racks of clothes. Well, I walked away to go look elsewhere. Hubby thought son was with me and I thought son was with him. Next thing you know we can't find him!! We searched high and low to no avail. We went up front and reported him missing. The store proceeded to call a Code Adam and ALL exits were blocked off by employees. The WHOLE store was looking for him. By this time my other son, who was 7-8yo, was crying hysterically standing at the front entrance with the store manager, who saw he was upset and had him stand there with him thinking it may make him feel better. Anyway, as we are all looking everywhere, I decide to go back to the last place I saw him and started there. I roamed around calling his name and scanning all the racks of clothes. As I passed a long
double-sided rack of men's jeans, I thought I saw the jeans move and did a double take.
I walked over and as I approached the rack, I heard a giggle! Here was my son, hiding IN the rack of jeans, thinking it was FUNNY!!
Mind you, by this time my heart was down in my stomach and the panic was overwhelming!!
And HE thought it was FUNNY!! I grabbed him and, after hugging him, started to bawl him out with tears in my eyes. I took him up front where the manager saw we found him and alerted the employees. We thanked everyone as the manager treated the boys each to an ice cream cone. Needless to say, we abandoned our cart of loot and took the boys and left. We figured it was a huge Father's Day gift for our dads that we still had our son, for the time being. I did pick up their gifts later that week. And BTW-- the ice cream cones the boys were given melted all over them and the back seat--uugghh! What a day!!

1 comment:

Tribe Mama said...

You made me feel better :)

Sorry your boy scared you so, I see even now that you can put yourself right back there with the fear.

I still start to cry thinking about yesterday, I was petrifies, just screaming his name all over the store. I am sure people thought I was nuts, and then when I found him I just kept yelling "Do you see the doors? Do you see? I thought someone took you!" I just hope this passes soon.