Wednesday, May 14, 2008

A Day In The Park With My Daddy & the Ducks by Shea Kelley

Today we spent the morning at
Haddon Lake Park.
Mommy & Daddy brought me because they
know how much I love the ducks & geese
and the playground!!
Daddy had the morning off, so he could go with us!!

First we fed some of the birds.

Here I am looking back at them.

I took my good old time walking around the lake!!

I did get a little tired of walking
and caught a ride on
Daddy's shoulders!

A little further down the path

we came across a mommy duck

& her baby ducklings!

We stopped to feed them.

They were so cute!!


A male duck came to eat and Mommy duck scooted him away!!

Then a goose came along, too!

Followed by some more male ducks!

So we threw the food over to the side so they wouldn't bother the mommy & ducklings!

Of course, they kept coming back!!

But we made sure that Mommy duck

& the baby ducklings

got most of it!!

As we walked away, some more ducks & geese were swimming up!

I had a nice walk around the lake with

Mommy & Daddy!

I had fun feeding the birds and

spending time with Mommy & Daddy!

The playground was fun, too!

Mommy enjoyed the walk, the sound of the chirping birds & the sunshine!

Daddy enjoyed the walk, looking for turtles and fish & the sunshine!!

P.S. Hey guys--we saw that 'MONSTER' thing floating!

Daddy thinks it's just a really BIG turtle!!

I don't know!!

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