Friday, April 18, 2008

Spring Has Sprung

What a BEAUTIFUL day to walk around the lake!!

On Thursday, Shea & I walked around Haddon Lake.
After our walk, I took some pics of Miss Shea
with a pretty blossom in her hair!!

After the pics, Shea played for a while on the playground.
She even made some friends, for the time being anyway!!

On Friday (aka today), we went back to Haddon Lake again!
It was an even nicer day then yesterday, so how could we resist?
We didn't quite make it all the way around this time, though!
I let Miss Shea walk, so we didn't take the stroller.
Needless to say, it took a little longer
and we didn't get that far...

before having to turn around and go back the way we came!

On our walk, Shea feed the animals.
Here is Mister Squirrel
We didn't feed Mr. Turtle but he did pose for a picture!

We came back to the ducks & geese as they were resting!

Shea fed them earlier when we first started out.

The ducks were happy for the little oyster crackers!!

So were the geese!!

BTW...the little oyster crackers are the perfect size
for the fowl (and the squirrels!!).

This goose posed for me!! Isn't he/she cute?
We finished off the bag-o-crackers and started to leave.
But, as you can see, we were being followed!!

They, however, finally gave up and

went searching for more grub in the lake!!
Sadly, Shea couldn't play on the playground today!!

The municipal workers were laying down new mulch.

Why would they pick today to do this???

Anyway, all in all both days were great.

Shea and I had a good time and enjoyed the awesome weather!!

Shea had fun with her playground friends and I got some much needed exercise.

Even though I didn't get to go around the whole mile loop today,

it was nice to just enjoy the surroundings, take a slower pace

and watch Shea marvel in the scenery!!

I wish this weather would just stay,

but I think it's supposed to be chillier over the weekend...


1 comment:

PhotoMom said...

you got some great shots @ the park...S on the path, the turtle, and the goos that posed for you! WOW...